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Melbourne13Cab Service is a cab service operating in and around melbourne. We provide various high quality cars for corporates as well as individual travellers. Melbourne13Cab Service has a fleet of cars at your disposal. Our taxi service cars are all of highest standards with comfort features like air conditioning, clean seats, well maintained upholstery, polished surface and latest gadgets. Our staff is well trained and our drivers are professional yet friendly. Our staff goes to great lengths to ensure that our customers feel comfortable, safe and relaxed during their journey with us.

Stats for "February" of our cab taxis.

Customer dealing

miles run this week

New Clients


Melbourne13Cab Service is a cab service operating in and around melbourne. We provide various high quality cars for corporates as well as individual travellers.

0489 189 460

Transport Solutions for Corporates

Corporates have specific needs when it comes to taxi service. Our company provides best in class service at competitive price for our corporate customers. We provide luxurious cab with professional drivers managing the journey for our customers. Our airport pickup service is specially focussed on corporate customers.

Airport Transfer Service

To book for airport pickup and / or drop service, kindly book a cab now. We will provide luxurious cab at your door step.

Parcel Deliveries

Provide better parcel delivery at low flat-rates in North Suburbs Melbourne Australia

Operating Areas

Melbourne City And All Suburbs



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